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Government funding application service

The HKSAR Government has 40+ funding schemes to support local SMEs and startups. The Anti-Epidemic Fund also introduced additional schemes aiming to assist local companies in sustaining business against the coronavirus pandemic.


Aiming to extend our support to the SME and startup community, WeStart HK is rolling out special efforts to help local enterprises apply for these funding schemes! With our trusted partners, WeStart HK will assist you in the application process, including vendor sourcing, application submission, and consultancy.

Government funding consultation service

Service provider sourcing and referral

Application form filling-out

Full support on the application process

Funds We Specialize In

Distance Business Programme (D-Biz)

Under the Anti-Epidemic Fund, D-Biz is launched to support remote business via innovation and technology adoption. In a 6-month period, each company is eligible for up to 3 solutions and HK$300,000 financial support.


Looking for the below solutions?

- Online business, e-store set-up, and digital marketing

- Digital customer experience enhancement such as Chatbots and use of mixed-reality technologies

SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF)

EMF is focused in SMEs expanding to overseas market and financially supports export promotion activities. It is an ongoing scheme, granting each enterprise a cumulative maximum matching funding of HK$800,000 for overseas trade fairs, exhibitions, business missions, ad placement, and digital marketing.


Looking for the below support?

- Digital marketing, including ad placements and search engine marketing (SEM), targeting overseas markets

- Website and/or e-store set up targeting overseas markets

Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund)

Non-listed enterprises looking to develop branding, upgrade business processes, and promote sales in Mainland China or economies who have signed Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Hong Kong are eligible to a matching fund with a maximum cumulative ceiling of HK$4 million.

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